Store information
Go to our store locator page to find opening times and contact details.
You can use the availability checker on each product page to check whether an item is in stock at a certain store. For more information on using our availability checker, you can read our stock FAQs.
Frequently asked questions
For a quick answer to your question, take a look at the FAQs on our help page.
Argos Card information
If you have a question about your Argos Card, you’ll need to use the Argos Card app for support.
If you’ve already sent us a message on social media, there’s no need to message again. We’re really busy at the moment but we’re trying hard to get back to you as soon as we can.
0345 640 2020
Available 7 days a week from 8am to 8pm.
If you're calling about an order, please have your order number to hand. You can use our live chat service if you need to speak to someone quickly.
Do you have difficulties hearing or speaking on the phone?
We also accept calls via Relay UK. Visit the Relay UK website for more information about this service.
Argos Limited
Royal Avenue
SignVideo instantly connects deaf customers to a British Sign Language (BSL) interpreter who phones the Customer Service centre and relays the conversation in real time. Please only use this service if you use British Sign Language and need to use our video interpretation service.
Our SignVideo service is free to use and is available Monday to Friday between 8am to 6pm. For further information on SignVideo, you can watch this video or email